Become a Corporate Partner
Invest in our Littles - and your employees!

Become a Corporate Partner or Event Sponsor
Our organization hosts a variety of entertaining events throughout the year that not only support our mission but also provide fun networking and team-building opportunities. With multiple sponsorship levels and engagement opportunities available, our events are the perfect way to connect your company with our mission while providing an exciting environment to bring your team together.
Our partnership packages for 2025 can be found by clicking the icon below. Please contact or to further discuss becoming a Partner!
Engaged Employees Are Happy Employees
Employees who work for companies that encourage volunteerism report increased job satisfaction, a stronger connection to the community, and a more positive feeling about their employer. Here are three ways to engage your employees in a rewarding and impactful volunteer experience with Big Brothers Big Sisters:
Host a recruitment event
Dozens of Central Montana youth are waiting to be paired with a caring adult. Help us share our youth mentoring opportunities with your employees by hosting a recruitment event, such as:
- Lunch & Learn
- Happy Hour
- Company Volunteer Fair
- Customized to fit your company’s culture (intranet, newsletter, poster in staff lounge, etc.)
Matching Gifts
Many companies offer a matching gift program to support employees’ volunteer efforts. Contact your employer’s human resources or benefits representative for more information.
Big Brothers Big Sisters hosts fundraising and match events throughout the year. Your partnership helps us offset the costs associated with these events and allows your employees to see our programs in action through one-time volunteer opportunities. We’ll work with you to find the opportunity that fits with your goals, reaches your target audience, and provides meaningful sponsor benefits. Our event sponsorship opportunities fall into three categories:
- Match Events – free events that build and strengthen relationships between Bigs and Littles
- Fundraising Events– Wine Crush, Golf Fore Kids' Sake, and other events that support our mission
- Volunteer Events – networking and appreciation events help us recognize and retain our volunteers
Culture of Employee Giving
Create a culture of giving at your organization by offering any or all of these opportunities for employees to support BBBS financially:
- Workplace giving program– designate BBBS as an option
- Matching gift programs – employee gifts and volunteer hours
- Host a Bowl For Kids’ Sake – peer to peer fundraising event; great employee engagement opportunity

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