Want to take a deep dive into why you should support Big Brothers Big Sisters? Check out the links below for information on our program, what it costs to make a match, and the encouraging outcomes for our Littles! Need even more information? We would love to share a cup of coffee with you and answer your questions - please give us a call at 442-7479 to schedule a time convenient for you.
Please, donate now!Your donation today will inspire a child to reach his or her full potential through an ongoing relationship with a caring adult. Please give generously – your donation is vital to Big Brothers Big Sisters efforts to help more children. It’s not just a donation, it’s an investment in a child’s future. When you donate online to Big Brothers Big Sisters, you join our cause and directly support children in your community. No matter how little or big the amount, donating can start making a difference in the lives of young people around you.
• recruiting new Big Brother and Big Sister volunteers
• covering the costs of background and driving record checks, while ensuring trained professionals match Littles to responsible Bigs
• enabling ongoing supervision and relationship support for every Big, Little and School Based Matches
• providing cultural and social activities to enrich the opportunities for children.
Planned Giving, Memorials and Tributes
Your legacy can have an impact, too. A planned gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters ensures the continuation of our landmark mentoring programs and creates your own legacy of support. Planned giving also offers significant advantages, including tax breaks and a potential income increase. If you’re considering making Big Brothers Big Sisters part of your trust, bequest, or endowment, please contact us at (406) 442-7479. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Montana is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. EIN #23-7138696